MYHM added to APHA Genetic Health Panel
Beginning November 18, the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Genetic Health Panel includes testing for Myosin-Heavy Chain Myopathy (MYHM) at APHA partner labs. The MYHM testing comes at no addit...
Rich Strike On a Track to Enter Stud in Pennsylvania
A pending deal would have Kentucky Derby (G1) winner Rich Strike enter stud at Mountain Springs Farm near Palmyra, in Eastern Pennsylvania. A partnership is seeking to acquire the stallion from owner ...
Stakes Winner Naughty Rascal Heads Mucho Macho Man
Naughty Rascal, the lone stakes winner in the field, will face two Chad Brown trainees, Treaty of Rome and the undefeated Septarian, owned by Resolute Racing, in the Mucho Macho Man Stakes at Gulfstre...
Pat On the Back Sires First Stakes Winner
Fenton Forever, his sire's first winner, became Pat On the Back's first stakes winner Dec. 30 in the Wait For It Stakes at Parx Racing....
Racing Post Q&A With Racing Welfare's Keith Haggins
Keith Haggins is a community engagement officer focused on the Thoroughbred stud and breeding sector for the charity Racing Welfare, which assists workers in the British horse racing industry....