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RESULTS: 2024 Western Bloodstock NCHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Sales Session I

Tags: money
DATE POSTED:December 18, 2024

Hip-by-hip results from Session I of the 2-Year-Old Sale at the 2024 Western Bloodstock NCHA Futurity Sales.

Held during the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Futurity and World Finals shows, the sale was held Dec. 2 at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. In 2024 Session I averaged $74,441 and boasted 17 horses that sold for over $100,000. Noteably, the high seller of the session was sired by top freshman sire Badboonarising.

Below are results provided by Western Bloodstock:

Top Five High-Selling Horses from Session I

Hip, Horse, YOB, (Sire x Dam x Dam’s Sire), Consigner, Buyer, Price, RNA Info

1090, JACKSON RISING, 2022M (Badboonarising x Little Jackson Cat x High Brow Cat), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Dawn C. Chapman, Christopher Campbell / Diamond Land & Cattle LLC, $600000

1050, HOPEINFORABACKWARDSK, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Cattys Hope x Catty Hawk), Gregg Garvie, Agent for S Diamond Ranch, Tom Bailey – Iron Rose Ranch, $550000

1156, MAIDEN THE USA, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x PG Katness x Playgun), Todd Nelson, Gary Fields, $415000

1070, TALKIN SMAK, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Mizpah Cat x Auspicious Cat), Rogillio Farms, James Shoppa, $265000

1111, REYSED UPTOWN, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Pretty Uptown x Pretty Boy Cat), Sharyl Kidd (Billy Kidd, Agent), Scott Armstrong, $250000

Hip by Hip Results

Hip, Horse, YOB, (Sire x Dam x Dam’s Sire), Consigner, Buyer, Price, RNA Info

1001, USU LIL METALLICA, 2022M (Metallic Cat x CR A Little Peek x Halreycious), Joseph Ammann, Michael Eaton, $37000

1002, STYLIN MISTER SAM, 2022G (Dual Reyish x Stylin Playgirl x Docs Stylish Oak), Bret Nuttall, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $22000

1003, COUNTIN HOT MONKEYS, 2022M (Countin Hot Checks x CR Short Smart Cat x WR This Cats Smart), Bo Warren, Agent for Kelly Troyer, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $52000

1004, VICTOREYAS SECREYT, 2022M (Dual Smart Rey x Ginger Pepto x Peptoboonsmal), Chase & Kadie Hermes, WITHDRAWN

1005, HIGHBROW MVP, 2022G (Metallics MVP x Gabourey x High Brow CD),  Rogillio Farms, Grant Setnicka, $17000

1006, SDP FUEL, 2022S (Metallic Cat x Cha Ching And Change x Im Countin Checks), Todd Nelson, Scott Skinkis, $30000

1007, U CAN KISH ME, 2022M (Hottish x Cancan Kitty x High Brow Cat), Salvador Cabral, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, , $33000

1008, VON LONG LEGS, 2022G (Stevie Rey Von x Lil Lena Long Legs x Smart Little Lena), Nathan Ahlin, WITHDRAWN

1009, BADAREY, 2022S (Badboonarising x Ireydescent x Dual Rey), Ten/27 Ranch, Oswaldo Celis, $23000

1010, DAZZLIN TALKER, 2022G (Smooth Talkin Style x This Cats Dazzlin x WR This Cats Smart), Scott & Melissa Weis, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $72000

1011, SHAKE THAT MONEY, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Money Talks Smart x Smart Mate), McCain Devillier, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $165000

1012, XIT BULL TOWN, 2022G (Smooth Talkin Style x Platinum Metal x Metallic Cat), XIT Ranch, Alan & Allison Chappell, $29000

1013, BACCARAT ROUGE 540, 2022M (Once In A Blu Boon x Kitty Kat Boon x Kit Kat Sugar), Barbara Allsup/El Cid Land and Cattle LLC, Justin Wright, $16000

1014, SHE IS IN STYLE, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Hollys Hat x Cat N A Hat), Dekota Beck (Charlie Anderson, Agent), RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $20000

1015, EAZEE STYLE, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Smart Cat Moria x High Brow Cat), Chappell Horse Sales, Agent for Chappell-Good Partnership, Victoria Johnson, $77000

1016, CONFETTI, 2022M (High Brow CD x Piggyboonsmal x Peptoboonsmal), Home Place Horse & Cattle Co/ Robert Collins, Cooper Smith, $14000

1017, CATS SWEET ROLLZ, 2022G (Rollz Royce x Cats Good And Sweet x High Brow Cat), Royce Stallcup, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $47000

1018, BLUE MARINE, 2022S (Once In A Blu Boon x Desires Katrina x High Brow Cat), Caleb Rice, Agent for Nathan Sheets, Lance Cooper, $51000

1019, SNAKEYES, 2022S (NRR Cat King Cole x Rockin RW x Dual Rey), Todd Nelson, Lacey Simmons, $63000

1020, FINLEY, 2022M (Metallic Rebel x Cyndi Cat x WR This Cats Smart), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Philip Hagadorn, Pat Taylor, $125000

1021, SUPER CHAMP, 2022S (Dual Rey x Highbrow Supercat x High Brow Cat),Cross Timbers Cutting Horses LLC, Pedro Ornelas, $28000

1022, SWISS CAT DEE REYISH, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Swiss Cat Pepto x Sweet Lil Pepto), Jeff Ogden, Colby Parke, $30000

1023, SMOOOOTH OPERATOR, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x High Brow Barlon x Sportin High Brow), Keith & Tracy Johnson, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $49000

1024, A ROYAL DISCUSSION, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Royal Keyt x One Time Royalty), Paul K. Smith, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $64000

1025, G WAGGIN, 2022S (Rollz Royce x Lourdes x Metallic Cat), Anderson Cattle Company (Cory Deel, Agent), Cindy Warn / Warn Quarter Horses, $125000,

1026, ALLAKHAZAM, 2022S (Metallic Rebel x Such A Smooth Style x Smooth As A Cat), Ty Benson, Agent for Kacey Mowery, Gary Reichart, $85000

1027, CAT ABRA, 2022S (The Animal x Metallilac x Metallic Cat), WR Diversified Holdings LP,  WITHDRAWN

1028, BOONBASTIC, 2022S (Im Countin Checks x Boon San Helen x One Time Pepto), Gus S. Dewey/South Fork Land & Lvstk, Nate Ahlin, $25000

1029, MAZERATI, 2022S (Dual Rey x Pipe Bomb Dream x Metallic Cat), Jackpot Farms/Terry Green, Scott Armstrong, $46000

1030, RU BLU, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Tangledupinblu x Once In A Blu Boon), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Kit Hall, Cade Shepard, $35000

1031, A SHOT OF REY, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Cat Olena Dually x High Brow Cat), Double Down Horse Ranch LLC (Westin Sampson, Agent),  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $52000

1032, KITTY WITH STYLE, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Smart Kitty RG x High Brow Cat), Bo Warren, Agent for 4 Horse Land & Cattle, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $39000

1033, ARISTOCRATIC GUN, 2022S (Smart Aristocrat x Guns Red Feather x Instant Gun), Kyle Hooper, Heather Greeson, $33000

1034, CHICS LUV KA CHING, 2022M (NRR Cat King Cole x Chic Ka Ching Chic x A Chic In Time), Todd Nelson, Kim Bishop, $36000

1035, JELLY SHOT, 2022M (Bama Jelly x CD Pretty Lady x CD Lights), Mark A. Johnson (DG Performance Horses, Agent, Dylan Jess, $20000

1036, LBR STYLING, 2022S (Reyzin The Cash x One Stylish Doll x One Time Pepto), Charles Burger, Jared Lesh, $20000

1037, PD METAL JACKET, 2022S (Stylish Metallica x Spinning Jac x Jacspin), Donald A. Carter, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $29000

1038, HOO DAT ROLLZ, 2022S (Rollz Royce x Hoo Dat Cat x Smooth As A Cat), Chase & Kadie Hermes, Nate Ahlin, $52000

1039, THE MISSTRESS, 2022M (Badboonarising x Justa Puddy Cat x Athena Puddy Cat), Toni Spencer (Rusty Gray, Agent), RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $60000

1040, PAPERRCHASERR, 2022S (Stevie Rey Von x Pepto Flo x Peptoboonsmal), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Kaleb Terlip, Jerry Rava, $100000

1041, MAY U BE A REBEL, 2022S (Metallic Rebel x Smart Lil May x Smart Little Lena),  J Plus Ranches (Cory Deel, Agent), Cooper Smith, $21000

1042, XIT LOBO, 2022S (Woody Be Tuff x Cat Digs Lucinda x High Brow Cat), XIT Ranch, Cooper Smith, $29000

1043, HOT ON THE SEAMS, 2022M (Spots Hot x Cinca De Metallica x Metallic Cat),  Rogillio Farms, Tom deRegt, $80000

1044, METTALIC MINKY DOT, 2022M (Metallic Rey Mink x Reyl Smart Dot x Dual Rey),  JC Land & Cattle/Broken C Livestock LLC, Marvin Marmande, Jr., $100000

1045, KEALEY, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Taquitas Playgirl x Freckles Playboy), Tate & Laura Bennett, WITHDRAWN

1046, MERRYWEATHER, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Metallic Merry x Metallic Cat), Scott & Cara Brewer, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $45000

1047, FINE CHYNA, 2022M (High Brow Cat x Chyna x Peptoboonsmal), Turner West Performance Horses, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $32000

1048, SLYLY HOT, 2022S (Hottish x Sly Pepto Girl x One Time Pepto), Dustin & Deena Adams, Pat Keogh, $15000

1049, RADDICAL, 2022S (Stevie Rey Von x Sweet Abra x Abrakadabracre),  Jackpot Farms/Terry Green, Nate Ahlin, $150000

1050, HOPEINFORABACKWARDSK, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Cattys Hope x Catty Hawk), Gregg Garvie, Agent for S Diamond Ranch, Tom Bailey – Iron Rose Ranch, $550000

1051, FANCY LIKE GOTCHA, 2022M (CR Gotcha Covered x CR Wood She Be Fancy x Woody Be Tuff), Todd Nelson, Scott Skinkis, $50000

1052, DUALIN WITH A STAR, 2022M (Dual Rey x Starlights Lil Cat x WR This Cats Smart), Chappell Horse Sales, Agent for Chappell-Good Partnership,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $170000

1053, REYZZA MINK CAT, 2022G (Metallic Rey Mink x My Stylish Lizzy x Lizzys Gotta Player), Ray Brazzel, Dawson Burns, $47000

1054, SEEKKER, 2022S (Badboonarising x One Tuff Momma x Woody Be Tuff), Travis Stewart, Agent for Sam & Leigh Good, Amanda Eash, $70000

1055, ROLLZ MODEL, 2022M (Rollz Royce x SVR Sure Shesa Cat x High Brow Cat), Barbara Allsup/El Cid Land and Cattle LLC, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $110000

1056, MOMMAZ BOY, 2022stalliion (High Brow Cat x SDP Moms TR x TR Dual Rey),  Simoneaux Livestock, Kevin Smith, $73000

1057, TWISTFUL MINKING, 2022M (Metallic Rey Mink x Twistful Thinking x One Time Pepto), Chris Hanson, Agent for Jared Lesh, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $42000

1058, REBELL REYN, 2022M (Metallic Rebel x Ruby Reyn x Dual Rey), Salvador Cabral, Oswaldo Celis, $15000

1059, TAGISH, 2022S (Hashtags x Tuff Lil Freckles x Woody Be Tuff), Khader Daoud, Cooper Smith, $25000

1060, VON JOVII, 2022S (Stevie Rey Von x She Wood In Time x One Time Pepto), Wes & Lindy Ashlock, Seth Murphy, $150000

1061, DEJA BLUU, 2022S (Once In A Blu Boon x Piper Smart x Smart Little Lena), Mike Chrustawka, Tommy Dinwiddie, $55000

1062, HUSSSH MONEY, 2022M (Im Countin Checks x Dualin Lil Playgirl x Dual Rey), Flying C Bar Ranch, Lloyd Estes, $29000

1063, MOTITO, 2022G (Smooth As A Cat x Bingos Mate x Smart Mate), Jimmy Farris, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $27000

1064, MCSTEVIE, 2022S (Stevie Rey Von x Moms Stylish Babe x Docs Stylish Oak), Ty Benson, Agent for Ty Smith, Pete Branch, $95000

1065, WINTHEMOOON, 2022M (Badboonarising x Win A Kitty x High Brow Cat), Cory & Casey Deel, Sheri Kuehny, $31000

1066, SHOOGA DONT TELL, 2022S (Smooth Talkin Style x Miss Lacey x Kit Kat Sugar),  Pattillo Cutting Horses LLC,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $180000

1067, JAKE APPLEWOOD, 2022S (Woody Be Tuff x Smooth Appletini x Smooth As A Cat), Charlie Williamson, Ty Smith, $33000

1068, JUST COOL DOWN, 2022S (Hashtags x Donas Suen Boon x Boon Too Suen), Jeremy Barwick, Randy Paul, $42000

1069, PRINCE WILLIAM, 2022S (Metallic Cat x Ava Rey x Dual Rey), Cooper Smith, Judy Willhite, $66000

1070, TALKIN SMAK, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Mizpah Cat x Auspicious Cat),  Rogillio Farms, James Shoppa, $265000

1071, MEGABEES, 2022M (Hashtags x Honey Bees x Peptoboonsmal), Olavo Coutinho Nogueira, Patrick Fasano, $40000

1072, PIGGLY WIGGLY, 2022M (High Brow CD x Piggyboonsmal x Peptoboonsmal),  Home Place Horse & Cattle Co/ Robert Collins, Katie Cooper, $15000

1073, CAT UNDERCOVER, 2022G (CR Gotcha Covered x Santallico Cat x Metallic Cat), Joseph Ammann, Cooper Smith, $14000

1074, METALLIC CHAMPAGNE, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Ms Mimosa x Freckles Playboy), McCain Devillier, Wendy Warne, $28000

1075, ONE FOR THE TIMES, 2022M (One Time Pepto x Daintys Cat x High Brow Cat), Todd Nelson, Glade Knight / Slate River Ranch, $27000

1076, SHAYSHONIE SUGARFOOT, 2022M (Dont Stopp Believin x Sugar N My Shayk x Kit Kat Sugar), Gale Force Quarter Horses/Lori Gale, Holly Muench, $11000

1077, LHR KADABRA CAT MVP, 2022S (Metallics MVP x Abby Kadabra Acre x Abrakadabracre), Las Huertas Ranch LLC, Robert Hollis, $17000

1078, SPOTS N A TIZZY, 2022S (Spots Hot x CR Tuff Tizzy x Woody Be Tuff), Gus S. Dewey/South Fork Land & Lvstk,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $27000

1079, ROYALLY ROAN PEPTO, 2022S (Peptoboonsmal x Long Red Curls x Smart Little Lena), Roman Rang, WITHDRAWN

1080, CAT ON A HOT METAL, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Shes Metallic x Metallic Cat), Greg Wright, Lincoln Clifton, $62000

1081, ITZ ALL MINE, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x That Catomine x High Brow Cat), Glover Galyean Partnership LLC, Cooper Smith, $25000

1082, REYVERED, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x Dont Look Twice x High Brow Cat), Gregg Garvie, Agent for Gale Force Quarter Horses, Scott Armstrong, $95000

1083, STRAYT MONEY, 2022S (Reyzin The Cash x Garys Stray Cat x High Brow Cat), Lucas Cattle Company,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $35000

1084, MO HOT CHECKS, 2022M (Countin Hot Checks x Once Mor x Once In A Blu Boon), Chase & Kadie Hermes, Bar RR Ranches, LLC, $50000

1085, UNPLUG THE BOMB, 2022G (Badboonarising x Catty Cali x High Brow Cat), Chris Hanson, Agent for Jared Lesh, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $87000

1086, BAR L MVP, 2022S (Metallics MVP x Shesa Desi Rey x Dual Rey), Chris Lawrence/Bar L, Thomas O’Mertle, $77000

1087, HOLD MY HALOE, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Broken Haloes x Metallic Cat), Chappell Horse Sales, Agent for Chappell-Good Partnership, Scott Armstrong, $95000

1088, DESIRE A VETTE, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Reys Desire x Dual Rey), Banuelos & Gomez Partnership, WITHDRAWN

1089, LBR PLAY CAT, 2022S (Reyzin The Cash x Louellas Play Cat x High Brow Cat), Charles Burger, Kara Murphy, $35000

1090, JACKSON RISING, 2022M (Badboonarising x Little Jackson Cat x High Brow Cat), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Dawn C. Chapman, Christopher Campbell / Diamond Land & Cattle LLC, $600000

1091, SLYBOONARISING, 2022G (Badboonarising x Sly Smart Girl x Dual Smart Rey), Brent Steward/Rocking BS Ranch (Johnston Performance Horses, Agent), Tresha Johnson, $85000

1092, IM UNSTOPPABLE, 2022M (Sigala Rey x Im Catsy Cline x Im Countin Checks), Todd Nelson, Tim May, $32000

1093, GOIN STRONG, 2022S (Smooth Talkin Style x Mamas Stylish Sophie x One Time Pepto), Bo Warren, Agent for 4 Horse Land & Cattle, Tom Lyons & Marilyn Harris, $50000

1094, SPACEMAN, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Baretta Boon x Playgun), Rose Valley Ranch,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $55000

1095, INFYNITY, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x Camo x Light N Lena), Cory Deel, Agent for German Lugo, Steve Anderson, $130000

1096, CHERREY PUNCH, 2022S (High Brow Cat x Cherrey x Dual Rey), Paul K. Smith, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $48000

1097, LIZZYS SMOOTH CAT, 2022G (Smooth As A Cat x My Stylish Lizzy x Lizzys Gotta Player), Ray Brazzel, WITHDRAWN

1098, SECRET REBEL, 2022G (Metallic Rebel x One Little Secret x One Time Pepto), Ty Benson, Agent for Ty Smith, Dave Belson, $70000

1099, GENUINE TEXAS TAGS, 2022S (Hashtags x Genuinly Alena x Shorty Lena), Russell Whiteis, Cooper Smith, $22000

1100, FIFTYSHADESOFAUTUMN, 2022M (Badboonarising x Two Times Royalty x One Time Royalty), Rogillio Farms,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $130000

1101, SWEET SWEET GLORY, 2022M (Metallic Rebel x Nurse Spoonful x Hes A Peptospoonful), Caleb Rice, Agent for Nathan Sheets, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $32000

1102, ME N STEVIE, 2022M (Stevie Rey Von x Wood U N Me Baby x Nitas Wood), Bret Nuttall, Andrew Dent, $140000

1103, BLUE IRIS, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Mimic Metallic x Metallic Cat), Gregg Garvie, Agent for S Diamond Ranch, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $47000

1104, ROLLZ EASY, 2022S (Rollz Royce x Shes A Smooth Cat x Smooth As A Cat), Kelly Mahler & John Meredith, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $60000

1105, COUNTIN ON DIXIE, 2022M (Im Countin Checks x Desires Dixie Cat x High Brow Cat), Jeremy Barwick, Sarah Sloan, $23000

1106, TAGTICAL, 2022G (High Brow Cat x Dual Rey Tag x Dual Rey), Jim Haworth, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $87000

1107, EE RASPBERRY RED, 2022S (Stevie Rey Von x Ichi Sangria x Cat Ichi), EE Ranches Inc, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $400000

1108, ACTIN FOOLISH, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Metallic Alley x Metallic Cat), Simoneaux Livestock, Curtis Weeks, $105000

1109, SDP CHOCOLATTE, 2022S (Badboonarising x Tallica x Metallic Cat), Russ Carroll, WITHDRAWN

1110, HOTT WATER, 2022S (Hottish x Creedence Clearwater x Peptoboonsmal), Wes Ashlock, Agent for Ty Smith, Charra Clark, $65000

1111, REYSED UPTOWN, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Pretty Uptown x Pretty Boy Cat), Sharyl Kidd (Billy Kidd, Agent), Scott Armstrong, $250000

1112, REYZIN A DAISY, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x Katsiboon x High Brow Cat), Todd Nelson, Shari Mohl, $50000,

1113, CMPURRFECT METALLICS, 2022S (Metallics MVP x Purrfect Steps x Purrfect Timing), Charles Mallicote/CM Ranch,  RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $70000

1114, EDDIE VAN HAYLEN, 2022S (Dont Stopp Believin x Kindle K Boon x Peptoboonsmal), Terry Tietjen Performance Horses LLC, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $15000

1115, LIL RED RISINGHOOD, 2022M (Badboonarising x Redoak x Metallic Cat), Spencer Holmes (Westin Sampson, Agent), RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $74000

1116, METALLIC RED MVP, 2022M (Metallics MVP x Sarah Dually x Dual Pep), Tate & Laura Bennett, Tom Williams, $66000

1117, LETS JUST TALK, 2022S (Smooth Talkin Style x Just Another Memory x Smart Little Lena), Donald A. Carter, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $18000

1118, FLYMETOTHABOON, 2022M (Once In A Blu Boon x SVR Sure Shesa Cat x High Brow Cat), Barbara Allsup/El Cid Land and Cattle LLC, Guitar Ranches, LP, $20000

1119, SUPER PSYCHEDELIC, 2022M (Stevie Rey Von x Supercalafrajalistic x Abrakadabracre), Christopher Glass, WITHDRAWN

1120, DUALING FOR A DIVA, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Divas On Time x One Time Pepto), Chappell Horse Sales, Agent for Chappell-Good Partnership, Christopher Harbison, $15000

1121, BETTIN ON BRADY, 2022S (Badboonarising x Purdy Bet x Bet On Me 498), Rose Valley Ranch, Sheri Jamieson, $150000

1122, MERRILYN MONROE, 2022M (Cat Ichi x Merry Smooth x Smooth As A Cat), Roots & Boots Homestead, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $27000

1123, KITTY ROLLZ, 2022M (Rollz Royce x Smart Kitty RG x High Brow Cat), Bo Warren, Agent for 4 Horse Land & Cattle, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $57000

1124, ROLLZES ARE RED, 2022M (Rollz Royce x Mamas Smooth N Sassy x Smooth As A Cat), Daniel Kimberlin, WITHDRAWN

1125, COACH PUT ME IN, 2022M (Metallics MVP x Sugar Smak x Kit Kat Sugar), Bridget Galyean, WITHDRAWN

1126, RT PLAYIN MY JAM, 2022M (Bama Jelly x LHR Play Boon x Boon San), Rene A. Tate, Tim May, $65000

1127, METALLIC ROLLZ ROYCE, 2022M (Rollz Royce x Metallic Fever x Metallic Cat), Todd Nelson, German Lugo, $25000

1128, REYL BAD, 2022S (Badboonarising x Tootsie Rey x Dual Rey), Ten/27 Ranch, Kara Murphy, $165000

1129, CANCUN MOON, 2022S (Badboonarising x Justa Puddy Cat x Athena Puddy Cat), Toni Spencer (Rusty Gray, Agent), RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $98000

1130, WICKEDREYSOFMETALLIC, 2022M (Metallic Cat x Wicked Wanda Rey x Dual Rey), Unlimited Ranch LLC, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $57000

1131, WILD CAT MAGOO, 2022G (Stevie Rey Von x Lucys Gone Wild x Wild Thing DNA), Lisa Rojo, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $52000

1132, RICOCHETS LAST BAM, 2022S (Smart Lil Ricochet x Shazam Bam x Instant Gun), Kyle Hooper, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $23000

1133, CEECEE DEVILLE, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Smoothe x Smooth As A Cat), Mary Williams, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $22000

1134, THE BAD ICH, 2022S (Badboonarising x SDP Lil Ichi Maddie x Cat Ichi), Rose Valley Ranch, Sandra Patton, $47000

1135, A METALLIC MAV, 2022S (Metallic Cat x Smart Cat Rey RG x Dual Smart Rey), Chase & Kadie Hermes, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $125000

1136, SWEET TALKING SALLIE, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x Sallie B Red x Play Red), Rick Hansen, Cooper Smith, $11000

1137, PHANTOM LIMELIGHT, 2022S (Rollz Royce x Limelights x One Time Pepto), Isaiah Chandler, Richard Dale, $62000

1138, METALLIC DUALIN REY, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Metallic Jewels RG x Metallic Cat), James Lynn Blevins, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $22000

1139, MACCAN, 2022S (Reyzin The Cash x PG Katness x Playgun), Todd Nelson, Khader Daoud, $110000

1140, MAXIMUMM OVERDRIVE, 2022S (Dual Reyish x Tuesday Kitty x High Brow Cat), Tracer Gilson, Rob Tiemann, $60000

1141, IZZY A STYLISH CAT, 2022G (Smooth As A Cat x My Stylish Lizzy x Lizzys Gotta Player), Ray Brazzel, Margot Hazell, $22000

1142, REBA MACREYTIRE, 2022M (Stevie Rey Von x Scooters Stylish Cat x High Brow Cat), Newley & Karen Spikes, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $50000

1143, PIEL ROJA, 2022S (Badboonarising x On My Way Tothe Moon x Sigala Rey), Caleb Rice, Agent for Nathan Sheets, WITHDRAWN

1144, SDP SANNPIPER, 2022M (Sannman x Sweeties Wild Child x Dual Rey), Bo Warren, Agent for 4 Horse Land & Cattle, Alan & Allison Chappell, $47000

1145, DBL REBEL, 2022M (Metallic Rebel x DBL Smart x Dual Smart Rey), Michael Kemna, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $21000

1146, DRENEAUX, 2022M (Dual Reyish x Desires Cats Meow x High Brow Cat), Diamond Land & Cattle LLC, Christopher Harbison, $15000

1147, RED ROLLZ, 2022S (Rollz Royce x MH Split The Aces x San Tule Freckles), WR Diversified Holdings LP, WITHDRAWN

1148, LAFFITE, 2022G (Bamacat x Keep Rockin x CD Lights),  Rogillio Farms, Robert Hollis, $14500

1149, MINKALINK, 2022S (Metallic Rey Mink x Smart Cat Rey RG x Dual Smart Rey), Kirby Humphrey, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $28000

1150, BIKINI WEATHER, 2022M (Rey Dual x Scooters Stylish Oak x Docs Stylish Oak), Home Place Horse & Cattle Co/ Robert Collins, Katie Shippy, $14500

1151, XIT LAS ESCARBADAS, 2022M (Smooth Talkin Style x SG Catty Starlight x WR This Cats Smart), Gregg Garvie, Agent for S Diamond Ranch, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED, $34000

1152, CHAMPAGNE GLASSES, 2022M (Stevie Rey Von x Justasassycat x High Brow Cat), Beechfork Ranch, Marian Ruiz, $62000

1153, LENORA, 2022M (Stevie Rey Von x One Time Merada x One Time Pepto), Southern Ranches, Travis David, $95000

1154, DONT TAG ME, 2022M (Hashtags x Dont Hick Up x Bobs Freckle), Gus S. Dewey/South Fork Land & Lvstk, Kim Robertson- Deep Creek Performance Horses, $29000

1155, STOLE THE ROLLZ, 2022S (Rollz Royce x Special Nu Kitty x High Brow Cat), Rose Valley Ranch, Nora Stent, $205000

1156, MAIDEN THE USA, 2022M (Reyzin The Cash x PG Katness x Playgun), Todd Nelson, Gary Fields, $415000

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